ONE OF THE small joys of taking the train is spotting the fake names people use to book their seats – honestly, seeing ‘Belinda Crappypants’ is sitting next to you will never get old. We salute you, you witty seat-bookers.
1. This woman who played a gentle prank on her fellow passengers
2. This person who used their name to show who they felt they were inside
Getting off at Portarlington, are you Busta?
3. This man who used his name to make a point
4. And this person who wanted to send a message to the suits upstairs
5. This tribute to a favourite film character
6. This nod to a classic sitcom
Macklin, you son of a b*tch.
7. And this indulgence of the inner child
8. Then there are the classics, like this…
Mary Kate Fartypants!
9. And this…
10. And this
“Poopface Fartweiner.”
*wipes tear from eye* Ah. Beautiful. Keep up the good work, folks.