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17 things that could only happen on Irish roads

The things you see.

1. This detour in Offaly

detour Source: Helen O'Neill Facebook

2. And this helpful sign between Donegal and Fermanagh

zFFBRTc Source: jobrien/RedditIreland

3. Irish roads are the kind of place you’d see someone transporting a couch in the middle of a storm

desmond Source: Vibrant Ireland Facebook

4. Or get held up for the most ridiculous reasons

5. Like this kind of very Irish traffic jam

tractortailback Source: The Irish Times

6. Irish roads have a unique approach to number plates

numberplateuse Source: Imgur

7. And the roads have potholes you can take a swim in

pothole Source: Imgur

8. Irish roads are home to the hastily-put-together warning sign

Source: Gemma Sherlock

9. Which are as friendly as they are practical

CLz5vvnUEAEmHM2 Source: Kate Longmate/Twitter

10. Irish roads can become a hotbed of craic and shenanigans

11. There are reminders everywhere that you can’t pass in certain circumstances

p9saNPW Source: Imgur


12. And you’re likely to see all sorts when you take a glance out the window

journal1 Source: Irish Farmers Journal Facebook

13. Sometimes, the road markings are confusing

14. As are the cars that you pass

15. With some passengers looking out at you

cavcancar Source: Twitter

16. If you spend enough time on Irish roads, you won’t be long seeing something class

iradio23 Source: iradio Facebook

17. Like a sarcastic conversation sprayed on to the road itself

fillmein2 Source: Imgur

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About the author:

David Elkin

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