1. Who had to sit in the middle seat in the car
2. The remote. Both who had possession of the remote, and what they were going to put on with it
3. Who roared SHOTGUN first
4. “She’s COPYING ME.”
5. Who got to be the car in Monopoly
6. The computer and the fiend that was ‘hogging’ it
7. Who was going to get the last biscuit/bun/slice of cake
8. The possibility that one sibling could have a booooyyyyyfriend *kissy noises*
9. Who put all the Roses wrappers back in the tin
10. Which Power Ranger/Ninja Turtle/Powerpuff Girl you wanted to be
11. Who had to talk to Granny on the phone first
12. One sibling refusing to move to afford the other a better view of the TV
13. Clothes that just happened to go ‘missing’
14. One sibling daring to set foot in another’s room/their corner of the room
15. ”Can I have that?” “No.” “But you’re not USING it!” “But it’s MINE!”
16. Who was the first to call “BAGSY NOT ME”
17. ‘Pausing’ a game, and any illegal activity that occurred during said ‘pause’
18. And who had to do the washing up. IT’S NOT ME I DID IT LAST TIME