Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

12 uniquely Irish signs that you might just be a real adult

Face it. You’re old.

1. You don’t actually mind the taste of tea without sugar

sugar2 Source: Flickr

How very mature of you.

2. You have worn runners on your walk into work and then changed into your work shoes in the office bathroom

Bp4GwxFCMAALqkN Source: LiLy_PoNcE/Twitter

Once upon a time, you sneered at office workers walking into work in their pristine white runners. But now you are one of them.

3. You have thought about what you would do in the event your Mam asked you to play on her behalf on Winning Streak

Marty-and-Sinead-Winning-Streak Source: RTÉ

And you have thought extensively about  your terms and conditions. (25% of the winnings or no dice.)

4. Your priority on a night out is to get a seat and not the shift

seat Source: Flickr

5. This is your jam and you feel weird if you don’t hear it in the morning

jam Source: Flickr

6. And you have developed a soft spot for Ronan Collins

ronanc Source: RTÉ

Whether you admit it or not.

7. You actually own your own set of towels — that you purchased yourself!

towels Source: Flickr

As opposed to the ragged towels your Mam gave you when you set off for college all those years ago.

8. You live in a house/flat with central heating as opposed to storage heating



9. You’ve been able to smugly say, “I’m driving down if you need a lift”

giphy (13) Source: Giphy

Look at you being a reliable, responsible adult.

10. You feel a little bit scabby if you don’t have a sneaky fiver/present to hand when you meet your niece/nephew/child of friend

giphy (14)

Oh right, this is a thing that is expected of me now.

11. You lost this years ago and haven’t bothered your arse replacing it

noffla1 Source: shelflife

It’s really not necessary anymore.

12. You feel legitimately ancient watching GAA

peter Source: Flickr

“I’m technically old enough to be his mother. His mother who had him when she was very young, but his mother nonetheless.”

32 milestones in every Irish person’s life >

19 mortifying Debs horror stories >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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