1. “Have you got a lend of a rubber?”
“A lend? You’re grand, I don’t want it back.”
2. “Will you shift me mate?”
You can imagine the confusion.
Image: Shutterstock.com
3. “Will you meet me friend?”
“Of course, I’d be delighted to, what time?”
Next thing, a stranger lobs the gob on you out of nowhere.
4. ”Will you get the plates out of the press there?”
“Why would you put plates in a press?”
5. ”Pass me over that yoke will ya?”
“Eh, what for?”
Do you want a lend of my yoke? (Eye Ubiquitous/Press Association Images)
Or even worse:
D’yeh want to buy any yokes?
Run away. Run far far away.
6. “I’m after hurting me mickey”
“Is that your pet mouse?”
via Imgur
7. “I’m after getting a rake of cans for later”
“Are you trying to tell me you raked up some beans? You’re carrying cans of beans in a rake? What’s going on? Are those my feet?”
This is a rake of cans. You can see how it might be confusing (Yui Mok/PA Wire)