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14 things that happened at every Irish girl's pre-teen sleepover

We’ve all been there.

IRISH GALS LOVED their sleepovers.

1. You’d spend ages deciding what pjs to wear

img_0657-1 Source: Wordpress beautyobsessedxo

If it was a big birthday party sleepover you might even be able to get new Penneys ones to show off. You needn’t have bothered though, because there’ll definitely be someone wearing a pair you’re totes jealous of.

2. You did each other’s hair

Crimped_hair_salon Source: Wikimedia

Whoever took a crimper along was officially the most popular from then on.

3. DVDs usually consisted of things your mam would never usually let you watch but Aoife from down the road robbed from her big brother

Think Scary Movie, Scream, Titanic. All while lying on the floor under little blankets.

asleeps Source: Crafty Texas Girls

4. Someone would produce a dance mat

… which you’d all dance on when you were finished with your Spice Girls choreography.

DDR_Controllers Source: Wikimedia

5. The least risque spin the bottle would be played

giphy Source: Giphy

Which of these boys WOULDN’T you meet?


Dont_Wake_Daddy_ Source: That90stoy

Past 1am, if you heard ANY form of creaking coming from upstairs you’d leg it into your sleeping bag faster than the wind.

7. You’d try to have an all nighter but would fall asleep at about 1am

Is anyone up?

86qgd Source: Popkey

8. The boys you fancy would be prank called

You’d start by searching the phonebook to find the fella you fancied (well, their parents), and bingo, time to call.

White-Pages-1 Source: Edgecastcdn

9. You’d consume enough sugar to kill an elephant

chewits-icecream_1_1 Source: Chocolatebuttons

10. While gossiping about how you fancied the hosts older brother

giphy Source: Giphy

It didn’t matter who he was, what he looked like, or how he acted. If he was an older male in the house, he got attention.

11. Sleeping in the front room was the ultimate goal


Your mam has BEDS made for us all? What a loser.

12. You spent hours doing the quiz pages in Shout or Bliss

13. You got at least one glam makeover

Usually consisting of a facemask and some Glitter Babes makeup.

DSC_1095 Source: BlogSpot

14. In the morning, being the first to get up was HELL





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