TODAY MAY BE the last hot day any of us see for some time.
The clouds are closing in, and it’s odds on they won’t open again until… ooh, 2015 or so.
Never has this been more appropriate:
With that in mind, we’ve put together some handy tips to help you maximise your Irish summer experience.
1. Go swimming immediately
What do you mean, ‘there isn’t a pool’? THERE’S NO TIME TO WASTE.
2. (And for extra speed, simply use a smaller container)
3. Be prepared
Mr Freezes will be sold out in every convenience store from Swords to Skibbereen within minutes of the sun emerging. Don’t get beaten to it.
4. Communicate your plans to friends as soon as possible
You may not have time to do this in the conventional manner.
5. Remember that Irish people are unfamiliar with hot weather
This can cause unnecessary marital discord, which will slow you down.
6. Race to the beach, but remember to stop before the tide line
7. Make peace with the fact that you won’t get a tan. You just won’t.
And acknowledging that will save you a lot of pain later.
8. If the summer weather changes without warning, try and make the best of it
9. And finally, accept that you will probably squander it.