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8 Irish tourist attractions we would pay good money for


1. A trip around the Sudocrem factory

thumb Source: Touchofmojo

To see where the magic happens.

It is made right here in Dublin after all – may as well take advantage of it.

2. A hut out the back of RTÉ where you get to spin a replica of the big wheel from Winning Streak

CHtvpc7XAAEzNZs Source: Twimg

You wouldn’t win any cash, of course, but it’s the experience that counts.

3. A visit to a life-size Bosco’s box

bosco Source: boscosbox

The thrill of the nostalgia.

Build it and we will come.

4. The caravan park from Father Ted

Caravan Source: Fazedandconfused

A perfect remake of the caravan, with small cow figurines and a kettle would be ideal. The rest of the caravan park could be a Ted-themed wonderland – including St Kevin’s stump.

The marketing writes itself.

5. A guided tour of the area in Dublin where the man fell on the ice

tumblr_ml4bk6PZwU1rvsirlo1_400 Source: Tumblr

The gift shop would include the chance to purchase miniature man + ice sets and get your photo taken falling on the exact spot. Queues would be down the street, especially in winter.

6. A nostalgic trip through Redz nightclub in Dublin

redz-club-dublin Source: Clubdesignireland

Before it actually opens up as a new place, they should have a Redz-themed guided tour of the place. Down those stairs, where dreams were made.

7. The Hunky Dorys factory

Yeah sure, we have Tayto Park - but that's not the only beloved crisp that we want more access to. Hunky Dorys are made here too.

8. And finally... a recreation of the famous Harp ad with Sally O'Brien in the pub

sallyobrien Source: haribokey/YouTube

Step 1: Find out which pub it was shot in.

Step 2: Make sure it looks the same as the ad.

Step 3: Whack up a few Harp-branded signs around the place and you're done.

Its iconic status as the number one ad ever in Ireland will bring in a much needed boost of domestic tourism.

Some entrepreneur out there - make these happen. You'll be a hero.

More 9 things every tourist coming to Ireland should know>

More 15 Irish people who nailed their Halloween costumes this year>

About the author:

David Elkin

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