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Which Irish TV Presenter Are You?

Vincent Browne or Eoghan McDermott? It can only be one.

tvstatic Source: MathPirate

1. What's your favourite way to watch TV?
Recording things on the Skybox then having a binge
Actually sitting in front of the box at the appointed time

Netflix all the way
2. Which of these would be your dream presenting job?
A chat show with a mixture of celebrity guests and discussion of the week's big talking points.
A current affairs show with my name on it. *flicks hair*

A pop culture roundup show called OMGLOLROFL, or something similar.
A massive talent competition where I am as beloved as the contestants.
3. Would you consider yourself to be 'down with the kids'?
I try to keep up, but let's face it - I'm not.
Um, #obviously! #duh

I couldn't care less about it.
Yes! I love the Tweeter and Kylie Jenner and Avicii. See? I'm cool!
4. Pick a hairstyle.

5. An bhfuil Gaeilge líofa agat? (Are you fluent in Irish?)
6. You're spotted out on the town with a celebrity pal. Who might that be?
Anne Doyle
Press Association Images
Chris O'Dowd

Press Association Images
Niall Horan
Photocall Ireland
Amy Huberman
7. A guest is being particularly difficult. What do you do?
Laugh and try to keep it suuuuper casual. We just need to get this thing to the break.
Tell them to shut up. THIS IS MY SHOW.

Make a series of pained faces in the direction of the camera.
Calmly but firmly tell them: "That's enough."
8. Who would be the ideal guest to get on your show?
Press Association Images
It would be fascinating to interview Oprah Winfrey or Stephen Fry.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. The glamour!

The Taoiseach, so I can grill him good.
Bono or Liam Neeson. Think of the stories!
9. Which of these Late Late sets appeals to you the most?
Pat Kenny-era set
Current set

80s set
90s set
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You're Miriam O'Callaghan!
You're well-liked, but most of all respected. Everyone expects high glamour from you, and you're happy to give it.
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You're Eoghan McDermott!
A new kid on the block, but poised to make it big. Your hair is the source of your strength and power.
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You're Ryan Tubridy!
Started from the bottom now you're here! You may get on some people's nerves, but you don't give a toss.
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You're Laura Whitmore!
You're just too cool for school - fashionable, in the know and in demand. Get you.
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You're Dáithí Ó Sé!
Jack of all trades, master of some. Mams seem to love you, and you don't know why.
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You're Kathryn Thomas!
Like Kathryn, you are EVERYWHERE. How are you so busy? How do you find time to do stuff? Woah.
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You're Gay Byrne!
Sure you've been around the block, sure you don't really know what the young people are on about these days, but you know you're not ready to hang up your boots. Kudos.
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You're Vincent Browne!
Highly sensitive to bullshit, you won't stand for any nonsense whatsoever. You are both beloved and feared.
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You're Lucy Kennedy!
'The craic' is like a second language to you - people try to hold you down, but you can't be subdued.
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Photocall Ireland
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You're Pat Kenny!
Some people might call you cold and distant. Let's be fair, they're probably right - but you get the job done.
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