Dublin: 10 °C Friday 10 May, 2024

# Irish weather

Last year
Met Éireann data shows 2023 was Ireland's warmest year on record
Chance of thunderstorms and spot flooding over mini heatwave weekend
All time
New Status Orange alert issued as temperatures set to plunge for next two nights
Weather to stay mostly dry today but heavy rain and strong winds forecast later in the week
Status Orange wind warning for two counties as west to be hit with gusts of up to 120km/h
7 umbrella rules Irish people desperately need to follow
13 reasons why you shouldn't feel bad about the end of the good weather
There's enough Irish sunshine for Vitamin D needs all year round - but big differences depending where you live
Poll: What are you wearing to work these days?
11 things the world should know about Irish weather
Petition For The Bosses of Ireland To Let Everyone Work Outside Today
22 milestones in every Irish person's summer
13 photos that perfectly sum up the Irish summer
It was nice while it lasted: heavy rain is on the way
'Tights or no tights?' is every Irish girl's annual warm weather dilemma
14 times Tumblr perfectly summed up Irish weather
11 times Irish people proved they're pros at dealing with shite weather
14 things the world needs to know about Irish weather
12 weather headlines that could only have been published in Ireland
9 Irish people embodying the spirit of The Man Who Slipped on the Ice
Photos: The sun was shining and people were smiling. Can we have weather like this all the time?
6 legitimate Irish emotions about today's weather forecast
17 reasons why Ireland's weather obsession is totally justified
7 of the all-time best Irish TV weather moments
8 times the Irish weather was determined to humiliate you
Thunderstorms and heavy showers (with a bit of sun)... it's a wet week ahead
6 surprising places that are colder than Ireland today
In today's typical Irish weather : Rain, hail, lightning, thunder, frogs, locusts*
The sun is back this week - but heavy rain is coming first
Check out at all the lightning strikes over Ireland yesterday
This single scene sums up Irish summer perfectly
100% accurate portrayal of Ireland when the sun comes out
How did poor old Charles Darwin get dragged into the nation's storm coverage?
A Guide to Irish Winter Weather Phrases
Your Photos: Today's blow away the cobwebs weather
9 things you never knew about Irish weather
Summer's last hurrah: Temperatures set to hit 20 degrees this weekend
WATCH: Irish weather summed up in one forecast
Indian summer alert: It's set to hit 23 degrees this week
July heatwave got us spending (a bit) more