IF YOU WERE a child of the nineties, you probably remember your first foray on to this thing we call ‘the internet’ just as it began to take shape.
It wasn’t quite as advanced as it is now… or good-looking.
1. RTÉ looked like this
Not very fancy, then.
But it brightened up in 1999. Snazzy.
They lost the run of themselves in 2000.
Ok this is definitely not optimised for mobile.
2. Boards.ie
Boards gave a voice to Irish people who found the internet before the Facebook influx.
Look at what they were talking about. Adrian Kennedy and animated gifs. Some things never change.
3. Whose mam did the shopping to be delivered from Superquinn?
Long live Superquinn.
It was only revolutionary.
4. Eircom.net
Wow, buy a 56k modem? Sign us up!
5. iol.ie
Way back in 2000.
6. The Damien Rice message board, anyone?
7. Ireland.com
There wasn’t much on the site back in 1996, state of that banner.
8. Bebo in 2003, before we all lost our collective minds
OK Bebo isn’t Irish, but was beloved in Ireland.
9. GAA.ie
Cool graphics, bro.
10. Daft.ie
It looked considerably less appealing back in 1999, but the house prices were probably much better. You can even have a look here.
11. Last but not least… Buy4Now.ie
Ireland’s version of Amazon, when online shopping was still seen as risky. Ahhh.