IF YOU’RE HAVING an Irish wedding soon, look no further.
1. For venues, why not try Dublin Zoo?
2. Or chance the rain in this Oliver Plunkett’s Church in Meath
3. As for the cake, a Supermacs snack box will go down a treat
4. Or maybe an ode to the place you met
5. Or just go full Dub
6. Make an entrance in a tractor
7. Seriously, a Combine Harvester is the only way to go
8. You can even get into the dining room on one like this Sligo bride
9. Don’t forget the photography is an important part of the day
Have a fight with some vikings to make it really memorable.
10. Or
11. After dancing bites are essential in keeping the guests happy
Try a Tayto sandwich pack.
12. Or even a stall
13. Centrepieces and decoration is key
14. And don’t forget the imaginative speeches
Like this Fairytale of New York rejig.
15. Or this lad’s Galway Girl speech
16. We’ll leave the final word to this ukulele plaing best man and his original song