Dublin: 11 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

16 extremely Irish touches to add to a wedding

So many ideas.

IF YOU’RE HAVING an Irish wedding soon, look no further.

1. For venues, why not try Dublin Zoo?

PastedImage-38226 Source: @Fran Vale, Dublin Zoo

2. Or chance the rain in this Oliver Plunkett’s Church in Meath

PastedImage-6956 Source: DailyEdge.ie

3. As for the cake, a Supermacs snack box will go down a treat

4. Or maybe an ode to the place you met

PastedImage-39922 Source: caketoppersireland, Facebook

5. Or just go full Dub

6. Make an entrance in a tractor

PastedImage-42639 Source: Imgur

7. Seriously, a Combine Harvester is the only way to go

PastedImage-330 Source: Kate Kenny

8. You can even get into the dining room on one like this Sligo bride

Source: Diamond Coast Hotel/YouTube

9. Don’t forget the photography is an important part of the day

Have a fight with some vikings to make it really memorable.

PastedImage-45711 Source: David Hollywood

10. Or

11. After dancing bites are essential in keeping the guests happy

Try a Tayto sandwich pack.

12. Or even a stall

13. Centrepieces and decoration is key

14. And don’t forget the imaginative speeches

Like this Fairytale of New York rejig.

Source: Ronan Folan/YouTube

15. Or this lad’s Galway Girl speech

Source: DailyEdge.ie/YouTube

16. We’ll leave the final word to this ukulele plaing best man and his original song

Source: Paul Hughes Video/YouTube

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