TYPOS. THEY’RE A pain in the arse, but sometimes they can lead to something wonderful.
A little while ago, Charly Meechan was planning her hen party and trying to invite her friend Daniel to the event.
“My very good friend here is called Daniel Dudek,” she explained to DailyEdge.ie. “He is originally from Poland but lives and works in Dublin. As I am no ordinary hen I decided that I would like both men and ladies at my party.”
I had given the Maid of Honour a list of everyone’s emails and unknown to me at the time I had misspelled Daniel’s email address.
A few weeks later, she asked Daniel if he had received the invite. He replied that he had received it, but not from the maid of honour.
Instead another Daniel Dudek from Sweden had received the invite and passed it on.
Irish Daniel said it happens all the time and for the last 10 years they have exchanged multiple misdirected emails to each other.
Fast forward to a few weeks later when Charly realised that Swedish Daniel was still on the mailing list and decided to invite him to the hen party for the craic.
I decided that it would be great if the two Daniels could finally meet Swedish Daniel had heard so much about this hen that he might as well come so I emailed him.
Without any hesitation, Swedish Daniel accepted the invitation.
Sure wasn’t he only buzzing to be joining the gang and meeting his doppelganger once and for all?
Meechan told DailyEdge.ie that he arrived on Friday night and “partied with the gang right through until yesterday”.
And the best part? He finally came face to face with the other Daniel Dudek.
Here they all are on their Moulin Rouge-themed night out in Club Nassau.
So what did the bride-to-be make of it all? She had a great time.
I had an excellent day/night at my hen party. Everyone got on like a house on fire and some lifelong friendships have been formed.
See? Typos aren’t all bad.