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From serving in Subway to cruising round LA: The rise of an Irish YouTube phenomenon

Dublin’s Brian Hanby went from making sandwiches to being a full blown internet celebrity.

terroiser Source: Facebook

HIS YOUTUBE NAME is Terroriser and he has nearly one million subscribers to his channel.

His real name is Brian Hanby, and he’s a 26 year-old Dubliner who is now one of Ireland’s biggest YouTubers.

He’s made his name by playing video games and commentating over them with his own brand of humour – including some spot-on impressions. It looks something like this:

terror3 Source: Youtube

He’s also started doing vlogs this year, which show his day-to-day life cruising around Dublin and the US – which he now frequents to hang out with fellow YouTubers. They often draw in over a quarter of a million views apiece:

Source: Terroriser/YouTube

Speaking to DailyEdge.ie, Brian acknowledges it’s not exactly a standard thing for a 26 year-old Dublin lad to be up to:

It’s not your average job anyway. It’s bizarre and unique. I mean, it’s making videos for the internet, and most people probably don’t get it straight away. But it has its rewards and it’s great to be a part of.

Given his rising popularity and the fact he’s Irish on the internet, does he get many comments about the accent?

I don’t have that really strong accent so loads of people don’t pick up on it straight away. Over in America, they would have a very stereotypical view of the Irish accent and I suppose my Dublin one doesn’t fit into that.

There are some words that release the Irish accent – like the way I say 33. People everywhere get a real kick out of that.

To put it into scale, Terroriser’s 950,000 subscribers comfortably beats out Hozier’s figure of 575,000 – and it’s ever increasing as his popularity spreads.

terror Source: Youtube

From Subway to LA

Before he started making his regular trips to the west coast of America, Brian decided to drop out of his original college course in DIT:

I was in my lab coat in town and was thinking “do I want to do this for the rest of my life?” I’d leave college every day and go home and make YouTube videos. It was a mental time and I decided to drop out because it wasn’t for me.

And he’s certainly worked his way up to his current position:

I used to work in Subway. I used to hate my job. It was a lot of stress. I did all the Subways for Electric Picnic and Oxygen one year. I worked in the Sandyford Industrial Estate baking bread for a whole summer. I’ve worked shitty jobs for so long, it’s nice to be doing what I love now. I’m grateful.

Now he’s back in college in Dublin, going into his final year – with his YouTube channel and social media accounts exploding with fans while he sits in class.

One of the perks of having so many followers is that Brian has his own brand of Terroriser merchandise – with his distinctive logo front and centre

Terroriser_T-Shirt MockUp_Front Source: Squarespace

But only a few years ago, Brian could only have dreamt of such internet success:

I remember when I started, I was just looking for one view or one like. I’d sit there hitting refresh all day and when one came in it would make your day. It’s ridiculous to compare that to where I am now. I don’t want to neglect that or forget about where I came from.

terror2 Source: Youtube

What about the notoriously murky world of the YouTube comment section. Does he see much nonsense down there?

My community that I deal with are great, I feed off that creativity. It’s that interaction that keeps my passion for it up. Sometimes though – and it depends on the personality – you do get some childish stuff thrown your way and you just have to ignore it. There are always going to be trolls and the best way to deal with it is to move past it.

When in Ireland, he starts work at 7pm and finishes up at 7am

terrorinsta Source: Instagram

The majority of Terroriser’s videos see him play games with other YouTubers based in the US. This means that he keeps some unusual working hours when he’s home:

The biggest challenge I face is the time difference when I’m in Ireland. My regular working day when I’m in Ireland is: wake up at 7pm. It’s very anti-social but because of the time differences with America and the guys I play with – that’s what I have to do. I then record the videos between midnight and 4am and then do a rough edit until 7am.

Heading over to the States takes care of such logistical nightmares, and it also has the added bonus of being able to feed off the YouTube community based there.

The fact that YouTube can actually make people money is certainly not lost on him:

Google Ads changed the game. YouTube is no longer a silly internet source. You can actually carve a career out there.

And while he hasn’t started to get recognised around the streets of Dublin just yet, it’s already happening to him across in North America:

It’s fun. It didn’t happen overnight. I was in a sports shop in Vancouver here the other day and a fan came up to me and was like “what are you doing in Canada?” That’s nice when it happens.

theteroro Source: Instagram

So, Hanby still has one year left in college, and he thinks this summer could hold the key to how big Terroriser will eventually become:

I have to sit down and think about the future. You can’t lose momentum on YouTube. Do I take a year off? I have some decisions to make about next year and the future in general.

Good luck, Terroriser.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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