Irish - All time
Clinician from National Gender Service to be appointed new lead for transgender services
Dr Karl Neff is the current clinical lead at Ireland’s only gender clinic, the National Gender Service.
Hotel fire condemned by Taoiseach and ministers as FF councillors criticise asylum seeker policy
The blaze started at around 11.35pm on Saturday at the Ross Lake Hotel in Rosscahill.
‘Dining on deforestation’: Irish meat and dairy may be linked to Amazon forest clearance
Soybeans, used in livestock feed in Ireland, were shipped by companies with links to destruction of endangered habitats in South America.
Taoiseach and ministers 'deeply disturbed' by fire at Galway hotel earmarked for asylum seekers
- The former Ross Lake Hotel had been contracted to welcome 70 international protection applicants
- Recent days have seen the site become the subject of protests against its use as emergency accommodation
- Roderic O'Gorman called on politicians to condemn "fear mongering" around asylum seekers