IT’S DECEMBER 23. Many of us, if we’re lucky, are about to spend several days in close contact with our families.
There will be times when this will feel like… how can we put this?… a mild struggle.
But luckily, one woman has come up with the answer: share the pain. Last night, Helen O’Rahilly began live-tweeting her mother’s classic mammyisms.
And her #irishfamilychristmas hashtag has now become a place where we can ALL share those moments that make us want to dive through the kitchen window.
From personal remarks…
… to home furnishings…
… to draughts…
… to ingrained habits…
… to ‘notions’…
… to the inevitable backsliding.
Join in here. Thank you, Helen O’Rahilly, for this gift. And thanks to all our families for being there.