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The 14 most ironic misspelled tattoos ever inked

Sad for everyone here.

SOMETIMES A BAD tattoo is just bad. Sometimes it’s so ironic it makes you want to hide under your chair and rock gently.

These are the second kind.

14. But… you kind of are now

Source: wtftattoos.com

13. Especially when it comes to ignoring the people laughing at your tattoo

Source: happyplace

12. Or maybe don’t.

Source: wtftattoos.com

11. Are culture

Source: wtftattoos.com

10. Yeah, I MEANT the spelling system.

Source: happyplace

9. This tattoo was thought and reasoned by an adult.

Source: happyplace.com

8. As is this.

Source: Complex

7. Definitely tradgey.

Source: grammarblog.co.uk

6. Dicisions, dicisions

Source: wtftattoos.com

5. Which you’ll need., from now on

Source: imgur

4. And the wadges of getting this tattoo is having it on your head forever.

Source: Imgur

3. Such as… this tattoo you now have?

Source: happyplace

2. Not a single regert.

Source: happyplace

1. It sure is.

Source: Twitter

And a bonus wildcard: this, for being completely inexplicable.

Source: happyplace

More: 16 utterly Irish tattoos>

More: Send this to all of your friends with truly crap tattoos>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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