Dublin: 4 °C Sunday 16 March, 2025

It's International Beer Day...

It’s a bank holiday weekend and International Beer Day? It would be rude not to…

International Beer Day
International Beer Day
Image: Will Vanlue via Flickr

A BANK HOLIDAY weekend and a day where beer is celebrated internationally: As if we needed an excuse.

According to the International Beer Day website, tomorrow is about celebrating the establishments who produce and sell beer and of course, the customers who enjoy beer. While Guinness may be the masterminds behind Arthur’s Day, International Beer Day is for all beers, big and small.

In celebration of beers from around the globe here are some of the funniest ways of marketing a nice cold beer.

Probably the most famous Irish stout beer in the world, Guinness has been marketing the black stuff to us for years with ingenious adverts. Here is one of their most famous adverts that got us taking to the dance floor of every fine establishment across the nation.

(Via YouTube/)

Tailoring their marketing to their Irish audience here:

(Via YouTube/)

Heineken is renowned for selling us beer with a touch of laughter. Here is one of their attempts to explain the difference between men and women:

(Via YouTube/)

This Budweiser advert sparked a universal saying around the world, one that I won’t dare repeat for fear…

(Via YouTube/)

Keystone beer shows us that even the most mortifying moments in our lives can be funny…

(Via YouTube/)

Ireland drank 694 million pints of beer last year>

IKEA starts serving beer>

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