Niall Carson/PA Wire
IT IS NOW ten years since the general release of Apple’s monster child, iTunes.
A decade ago yesterday, the music programme was made available to all computer users (not just Mac nerds).
Since then, it has ruined your life. Here’s how:
1. The dark corners of your music collection have been exposed
There’s no hiding the records that you could once stuff underneath your bed. Or pretend someone had “left” at your house. Or claim belonged to your younger brother.
Look, there they all are! In broad daylight!
2. Which is even more of a problem, now you can buy music drunk
3. It’s designed for teenagers
And it reminds you of your own pathetic mortality every time you search for something “old-person-y”.
4. Your musical attention span has been ruined by ‘shuffle’
5. Your latent OCD has spiralled
There you are, at 3am on a school night, trying to get all your album information correct.
And God forbid you should start sorting your music by genre.
Plus, there are always people like this to make you feel bad:
6. Plus you now own so much music, you can’t remember it all
7. So it’s almost lucky that beautiful CD covers don’t exist anymore
Even if things like this make thousands of out-of-work graphic designers die inside
8. Anyway, you’ve become over-reliant on the ‘Genius’ feature
And now rely on it to solve real-world problems.
9. You hardly go out since that time when your ‘voice memo’ recorded on your phone came up on shuffle at a party
“Work idea: What if cat videos AND puppy videos were somehow… combined?”
10. But even staying in is ruined by this
11. Not to mention the peer pressure
12. Finally, as of 2010, this was the bestselling iTunes song of all time.