JACK GLEESON HAS only just finished posing in the nip for a calendar, and he’s already on to his next project.
The actor – who recently announced that he would quit the screen when his time as King Joffrey on Game of Thrones comes to an end – spoke to an audience at the Oxford Union last night.
He talked about how much he hated celebrity culture. And it was excellent.
Joffrey/Gleeson/That Bastard started out by playing down his credentials, saying:
All I’ve done is act in a TV show and pretend to be mean… for money.
(We already know that he isn’t actually mean.)
He then considered an alternative plan:
Before discussing the strange divide between his life in Trinity College, and his life on Game of Thrones:
And he talks about the impact of becoming a celebrity. “Among certain groups of my peers, my jokes seemed to become a lot funnier,” he says.
Here’s his full speech. It’s good, and it really gets going at around 7m30s.
via Reddit