Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Jacket gives wearer a hug for every Facebook like

Was it for this?

Image: Vimeo

MODERN LIVING CAN occasionally feel cold and impersonal.

So much of our communication is done through technological devices, that sometimes all you need is a good old fashioned hug.

Well, you’re in luck, because now someone has figured out a way to translate Facebook likes into hugs…sort of.

Essentially, Like-a-Hug is a body warmer which inflates when the user receives a ‘like’, apparently giving the wearer a huglike sensation.

According to one of its designers:

Like-A-Hug is a wearable social media vest that allows for hugs to be given via Facebook, bringing us closer despite physical distance.

Is it just us, or is this deeply, deeply tragic?

Vimeo/Melissa Chow

H/T to Shortlist.

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