Dublin: 5 °C Tuesday 11 February, 2025

Finally, there's a song dedicated to the Irish hangover institution that is the jambon

“I hope you like jambons too”

s6890_panier_ham-kaas_1 Source: Delifrance

IRISH SKETCH TRIO Fupin Eejits might not have Vine any more and the subsequent worldwide fame it brings, but everything is going to be grand for the lads:

Because they’re starting a band.

And their new number one* single is called Jambon

Source: Fupin Eejits/YouTube

*in our hearts, if not reality

The new sketch was uploaded to YouTube yesterday and it’s a deli-themed reworking of the Bob Marley classic Jammin

fupin Source: YouTube

“I like jambons, jambons, jambons… I hope you like jambons too”

jambons Source: YouTube

No other slightly-grim deli food compares, really.

“Jambons, jambons, jambons… we hope you like garage food”

jambons2 Source: YouTube

If Jumbo Breakfast Roll can be a success, surely a piss take about jambons has a chance?


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About the author:

David Elkin

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