JAMES BLUNT HAS gotten quite the reputation in recent years as being savage AF on social media.
Sex on your own is actually just called wanking. RT @bilge1979: I'd like you to know I'm going to be having sex to your new album later.
— James Blunt (@JamesBlunt) March 24, 2017
Wow, don’t hold back there James. Tell us how you really feel.
Dayum, that’s a burn that needs a slapping of aloe vera.
And James is up to his usual crude tricks over the weekend when a fan questioned where he was.
Waiting for @JamesBlunt to get on stage #Afterlovetour 🤩 pic.twitter.com/1lXe78imC4
— 🦉Casy🐶🐱 (@cascon11) August 18, 2018
James was blunt AF (hehe) when responding.
Running late. Sorry. I’ve got the shits. https://t.co/NkRKMmRSYw
— James Blunt (@JamesBlunt) August 18, 2018
Wow, okay…
You really went there, James.
It was TMI for some…
Others were disappointed with the missed opportunity
@IamTheNovel let their creative juices flow free (a bit like James’ body)
…like, he really let the juices flow.
Some took the opportunity to s**t on James
and others just didn’t have time for his whining.
— Jules ➕✖➗ (@superjules69xxx) August 18, 2018
Hope you recover soon James.