Dublin: 12 °C Monday 24 March, 2025

Open thread: What is your ultimate “getting ready” song?

We want to know.


That song that amps us up, lights a fire under us and gets us ready to have a great night out.

We play it when we’re primping and preening, hanging out with friends before the taxi arrives and to get the night off to a swinging start.

It’s an essential part of a good night out, and even though it’s not the weekend yet, it’s so close we can smell it.

So tell us…

Do you go for classic cheese?

Source: RepeatPlus

Or a bit of ego-boosting?

Source: georgemichaelVEVO

Maybe just something to get the blood pumping?

Source: moonraker79

So, let us know in the comments – what song puts you in the mood for the pursuit of possibilities? 

Read: 7 people whose plans didn’t exactly work out>

The Blagger’s Guide to a Night Out> 

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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