NO ONE HERE among us didn’t fancy one of the characters in Disney’s 1973 version of Robin Hood. That’s just the truth.
Whether it was the dashing Robin Hood himself
Or the lovely Maid Marion
Lookit her, a dote.
They’re not the only cartoon characters people fancied. I had a thing for Ash Ketchum, myself. Please chime in with your faves in the comments, or just to slag me.
Jamie Dornan, a handsome man and an object of desire himself, also admitted to fancying the royal fox. Speaking to Collider, Jamie said the fox was one of his first crushes.
I definitely did, do, have a crush on Maid Marian the fox in the Disney animated version.
Weirdly, it’s not the first time he’s admitted it. Back in 2015 he told Yahoo! Movies the same.
I just had such a crush on Maid Marian, the fox. I thought she was so beautiful growing up.
Right, coming on a bit strong there Jamie.
He also said he must have watched it “hundreds of times”, hm.
Jamie stars as Will Tillman in the new live action Robin Hood movie, so we won’t see him romancing an animated fox any time soon.