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Jamie Foxx attempted a Conor McGregor impression and he really made a hames of it

Jamie is better than this.

JAMIE FOXX WAS one of the many, many big names that pitched up to Las Vegas last weekend for the Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather fight.

Look at him mingling away there:

Floyd Mayweather Jnr v Conor McGregor - T-Mobile Arena Source: Hahn Lionel/ABACA

A very minor subplot in McGregor’s rise to fame in the States has been comedian’s terrible attempts at his accent.

Saturday Night Live have been the chief proponents of this:

Source: Saturday Night Live/YouTube

In keeping with the theme, a video surfaced this week of Jamie backstage after the fight – and he attempts his own impression of Conor McGregor. It’s safe to say it’s not his finest work

Source: iFL TV/YouTube

The man has won an Oscar.

“Throw us me lucky charms! His fists are so malicious!”

Floyd Mayweather Jnr v Conor McGregor - T-Mobile Arena Source: IFL

He also included a standard “Coooner McGreegor” for good measure.

When an acting talent as impressive as Jamie Foxx makes a hames of the accent, everyone else should just give up now.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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