1. Look at these pictures of animals with daffodils and think of spring
These Jack Russells are DELIGHTED to see the back of January (Adam Edwards/Shutterstock.com)
“Did someone say ‘the last day of January’? F**K yeah!” (Tony Campbell/Shutterstock.com)
“I love the smell of daffodils in the morning. Smells like freedom” (Dryfish/Flickr/Creative Commons)
2. Eat the last of the Christmas chocolates
Somewhere in your house there is a Roses or Quality Street tin languishing with a few strawberry or orange creams rattling around in the bottom.
Image: TheFreeSpiritz
Have another look though, there might be a Purple One or a Golden Barrell which has, until now, gone undisturbed.
There’s probably a bit of fancy ice cream left in the freezer too.
Go on. Happy 31 January.
3. Book a holiday
Looking for some ideas? Well here you go.
Image: Kakslauttanen.fi
4. Annoy all those people who gave up booze for January by challenging them to do it for February too
Image: Pokoso.kz/Shutterstock.com
5. Start getting ready for pancake Tuesday
Any excuse to gorge yourself on eggs, flour, butter and sugar.
Pancakes, I like. (Hiconsumption.com)
6. Start dreaming about these summer treats
Image: Flickr/Creative Commons/Nikoreto
Image: ShaunEgan.com
Image: Ginnerobot/Flickr/Creative Commons
7. Smile!
Image: @TheRealLilaPug