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January's almost over, here's 7 ways to celebrate

Spring is just around the corner. It could be raining more. Just a few of the reasons to be cheerful today…

1. Look at these pictures of animals with daffodils and think of spring

These Jack Russells are DELIGHTED to see the back of January (Adam Edwards/Shutterstock.com)

“Did someone say ‘the last day of January’? F**K yeah!” (Tony Campbell/Shutterstock.com)

“I love the smell of daffodils in the morning. Smells like freedom” (Dryfish/Flickr/Creative Commons)

2. Eat the last of the Christmas chocolates

Somewhere in your house there is a Roses or Quality Street tin languishing with a few strawberry or orange creams rattling around in the bottom.

Image: TheFreeSpiritz

Have another look though, there might be a Purple One or a Golden Barrell which has, until now, gone undisturbed.

There’s probably a bit of fancy ice cream left in the freezer too.

Go on. Happy 31 January.

3. Book a holiday

Looking for some ideas? Well here you go.

Image: Kakslauttanen.fi

4. Annoy all those people who gave up booze for January by challenging them to do it for February too

Image: Pokoso.kz/Shutterstock.com

5. Start getting ready for pancake Tuesday

Any excuse to gorge yourself on eggs, flour, butter and sugar.

Pancakes, I like. (Hiconsumption.com)

6. Start dreaming about these summer treats

Image: Flickr/Creative Commons/Nikoreto

Image: ShaunEgan.com

Image: Ginnerobot/Flickr/Creative Commons

7. Smile!

Image: @TheRealLilaPug



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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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