DON QUIJOTE IS a chain of discount stores in Japan. Like their equivalent of Eurosaver.
They sell… lots of unusual things. Hannah Quinn found the following treasures one Sunday (the traditional Japanese day to go discount store shopping, apparently).
So anyway, that’s your Christmas list sorted. You’re welcome.
(Images #6 and #9 are a little bit NSFW.)
1. Diet Finger Cream
“Slimming your fingers.” Has nobody ever mentioned your overweight fingers?
2. Eye enlarger
“Want to make your eyes bigger?” Simply poke at them with this yellow plastic stick.
3. Mouth duster
Has noone ever mentioned how dusty your mouth is?
*points finger* Dustmouth! Dustmouth!
4. Happy Warmmy
Guessing here, but we’re going to say it’s a sort of combination blanket/dressing gown/snood. Actually, the name is enough to make us want one.
5. Minnie Mouse (Terrifying Edition)
Welcome to your nightmares, kids. Minnie hasn’t shaved in a while.
6. These underpants for men
Er… LOL?
*runs away and hides*
7. Mystery Face Supporter
For usage guidance, see cutout image on the right.
8. Home Ear Piercing Kit
What do you mean, you’ve never had blood poisoning?
9. THESE underpants for men
No words.
All images courtesy of Lost In Translation