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Jason Momoa's made his 'bodyguards' look slightly ridiculous .. It's The Dredge

The best of the day’s celebrity dirt.

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.

Jason Momoa (aka Game of Thrones’ Khal Drogo, Aquaman and lover of Guinness) is going viral, for unintentionally making a show of his ‘bodyguards’. 

This image of the actor flanked by what appears to be security guards is doing the rounds, purely because what could those lads protect him from that he couldn’t dismiss himself with the flick of a forefinger?

Holly Carpenter’s found a new fella, according to Goss.ie

Masterchef reunion with the gorge @samanthamumba Source: hollycarpenter

She’s doing a line with former Irish footballer and current football pundit Richie Sadlier.

The model split from Coronas frontman Danny O’Reilly late last year.

Our in-depth investigation (i.e. looking at if Holly and Richie follow each other on Twitter and if so how long ago they started following each other: for Richie it was 48 people ago and for Holly it was 53 people ago) reveals that they are almost certainly stepping out.

Congrats guys!

Buzzfeed has gone in hard on Taylor Swift, with a piece entitled ‘How Taylor Swift Played The Victim And Made Her Entire Career’. 

taybuzz Source: Buzzfeed


The piece does  a deep dive on various behaviours which display her “embrace of victimhood… that can be traced back to the start of her decade-long career in both her music and her manipulation of the media”.

Key talking points include her dealings with Kanye West, her various relationships and breakups with famous men and her slightly terrifying army of gal pals. Read it here.

And the rest of the day’s celebrity dirt…

  • Jamie Dornan Beard Watch continues apace (Irish Mirror)
  • Kanye West, Justin Bieber and Drake are planning to boycott the Grammys (Daily Mail)
  • Kylie Jenner is playing the stepmother role to her brother’s soon to be stepson. Do keep up. (3am)
  • Meanwhile Kim K has been documenting the family’s return from holidays in Costa Rica on Snapchat (E!)

Read: Jason Momoa had an absolute field day in the Guinness Brewery>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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