THIS MONTH, IN association with Sprite Cucumber, we’re celebrating all the times you stayed as cool as a cucumber. No matter what was happening around you. We want to hear your most amusing disaster stories – and we’ll be sharing the best ones.
Job interviews are sadly a vital part of life. How many times have you thought you were a perfect fit for the job, only to mess it all up when unexpectedly faced with three panels of five people staring back at you in judgement.
Enjoy it, they said. You’ll be fine just be confident, they said. Arrive a bit early to calm the nerves, they said.
OK so why are you tripping over your own name not three seconds into the interview?
Some people have just got it, some people er, don’t.
Remember Louise from Fade Street saying ‘congratulations’ after her intern interview at Stellar?
But enough about them, we want to hear about YOUR worst job interview; from how you kept your cool when you forgot the name of the company, to how you handled realising you once shifted your interviewer.
Comment below, tweet us @dailyedge, or email niamh@dailyedge.ie for your tale to be featured. I mean, if nothing else, you got a good story out of it.