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Joe Biden joins Twitter...well, kind of

VP Joe Biden joins Twitter and tells the world he has nicknamed his wife “Dr. B”.

Image: Jay LaPrete/AP/Press Association Images

VICE PRESIDENT OF the USA, Joe Biden, has signed up to Twitter so he can keep America “up to speed” on all things happening at the Office of the VP.

Biden is notorious for making verbal gaffes on camera so in an attempt to avoid any controversy, staff at the OVP have made it clear that they will be writing all of the @VP tweets. (Remember Biden once introduced the future President as Barack America and on another occasion asked a man in a wheelchair to stand up).

The VP’s first – and only – tweet so far came on Monday and in it he gave us some insider knowlege on the Biden’s family life.

Referring to his wife, Jill, as “Dr. B”, Biden asked Americans to take time out from their celebrations to remember the troops and their families.

Biden’s staff launched the official account through a White House blog on the Fourth of July and it now has over 8,800 followers.

@VP will be on the road with the Vice President across the country and around the world, providing updates on the latest news and announcements coming out of OVP, as well as a behind the scenes look at Veep-life.

Here at TheJournal.ie we are wondering if the VP has snubbed his boss on purpose as he is yet to follow @BarackObama.

Meanwhile, staff for the President have been busy tweeting daily from the @BarackObama account but the last personal tweet from the President himself came over two weeks ago.

Obama’s Fathers’ Day tweet read:

The President’s official Twitter account is managed by staff but since June 18, any personal tweets are signed -BO. So far, there’s just been the one.

@BarackObama has switched its focus onto the 2012 election and in the past month staff have offered a count of how many donors have signed onto the #TeamObama campaign.

However, the President will be back on official Twitter duty tomorrow as he takes questions from the public during the White House’s first ever Twitter Town Hall meeting. From 7pm Irish time, Obama will answer America’s questions on jobs, the economy and anything else that gets tweeted using the hashtag #AskObama.

As we wait for the next tweet, here’s a clip of that famous Biden-ism when the politician asked Senator Chuck Graham to stand up before realising he is confined to a wheelchair.

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