Dublin: 14 °C Wednesday 26 March, 2025

Joe Biden took his first selfie with Barack Obama

The lads were having the craic in the car.

JUST WHEN YOU thought that God awful selfie craze had ended, along comes another one, and a pretty powerful one at that.

US Vice President Joe Biden joined Instagram yesterday and to celebrate he decided to find a friend to take his first selfie with.

It just so happened that the friend was the main man himself.

Source: Instagram

Found a friend to join my first selfie on Instagram. Thanks for following and stay tuned. –VP

Speaking of Biden’s Instagram antics, here’s his very first offering.

Source: Instagram

We don’t know what filter he used, but we think it’s fair to say he’s a bit of a ‘cool’ customer.

All right Enda, it’s your turn now.

More: Obama says Ellen’s Oscar selfie was a ‘cheap stunt’>

More: Colin Powell thinks his 60-year-old selfie is better than Ellen’s>

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