GALWAY CRUISED INTO the Leinster Hurling semi-final yesterday after they gave Dublin a bit of a hammering in Tullamore.
But the photo of the day wasn’t an action shot taken on the pitch during the match.
It was when star player Joe Canning was mobbed after the final whistle, and this was the scene as he signed autographs for all the kids
Given the recent controversies around post-match selfies featuring the GAA’s biggest stars, Joe had no problem sticking around and signing every last one of them.
And once it was tweeted out there by Inpho photography, people realised what a great shot it was:
“Man in demand”
Everything good about big GAA matches in one shot
Who DOESN’T have one?
Sticking around and signing autographs for that long, he better have brought a spare pen
One of the major upsides to pitch invasions? Free stuff and autographs
Michael D was watching on, but we don’t know if he caught the impressive levels of autograph soundness on display by Canning.
Let’s just assume he made this face when he saw it happening
Well played, in more ways than one.