REMEMBER SAMUEL WURZELBACHER? No? Maybe you know him as Joe the Plumber from 2008 US presidential election-fame?
Well, he’s back – but this time he wants to be the main story.
Last Thursday, Wurzelbacher filed papers to enter the race to be the next Congressman from Ohio’s ninth district.
Back in 2008, the plumber became an accidental spokesperson for conservative middle-class workers who were concerned about then-presidential candidate Barack Obama’s tax plans.
In an exchange with Obama during a walkabout, Wurzelbacher claimed he was ready to buy a business that could make about a quarter of a million dollars a year but was worried his taxes would increase under an Obama administration.
The moment was used by opponent John McCain to rally support among small business owners across America.
However, it later emerged that Wurzelbacher was not a licensed plumber, had no plans to buy a business and was already behind on tax payments.
That didn’t stop Joe from having his 15-minutes of fame, a quick book launch, appearances in television commercials and a spell as a motivational speaker at various tea party events.
And now he wants to bring his ideas to the US capital.
On the ‘Joe For Congress 2012′ website, which went live yesterday, his supporters’ message says, “Together we can send a fierce advocate for working class, conservative values to Washington DC!”
According to the New York Times, Roman Schroeder, one of Joe the Plumber’s consultants, said the campaign is still in its early days and a final decision will be made on whether to run or not on October 25.
Wurzelbacher – if he decides to run – will go up against GOP candidate Rob Frost in the race. The seat is currently held by Democratic Representative Marcy Kaptur.
To jog your memory, here was our first meeting with Joe the Plumber back in 2008 and the debate he sparked between rival candidates Barack Obama and John McCain: