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There's only 29 seconds of Game of Thrones footage of Joffrey being sound

Spoilers. Spoilers everywhere.

HE’S A STRONG contender for one of the most hated TV characters of all time.

Now, the folks at Game of Thrones have cobbled together the times Joffrey wasn’t being a little shite, and the times people pretended to be nice about him.

It comes to 29 seconds.

Spoiler alert, obviously. 

Source: GameofThrones/YouTube

Poor old Joffs.

Nah, we don’t mean that. Here, have some slaps:

Joffrey Punch - Imgur Source: Imgur

Read: 36 ways to cheat your way through any TV conversation>

14 things you need to know to make sense of Game Of Thrones> 

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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