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9 moments of Johnny Depp being surprisingly uncool

Usually cool actor has rare moments of non-coolness.

TODAY SEES ONE of Hollywood’s coolest stars, Johnny Depp reach the ripe old age of 50 (!).

Now we all know Johnny Depp is very, very cool and therefore rarely makes any mistakes.

Having said that, we’ve dug up some times when Johnny experienced a rare moment of uncoolness.

1. When he took a tumble outside of a nightclub.

Welcome to Mortoville.

Population: Johnny Depp.

hollywoodtv / YouTube

2. The time he had to wear this on-screen

The first Nightmare on Elm Street movie was scary for many reasons:

via I Am Not A Stalker

3. The time in the mid 90s when his hair was preventing him from seeing properly

RHONDA BIRNDORF/AP/Press Association Images

4.This ridiculous hat

This hat actually looks like those ropey canvas school bags the “grungers” used to have when you were in school

William Conran/PA Archive/Press Association Images

5. When he stood beside the poster for The Libertine and looked a bit mortified

“Oh my god, is that me? Wow, my hair is so different, this is awkward”

MARK J. TERRILL/AP/Press Association Images

6. The time Chesney Hawkes ripped off his look in the early 90s

Can you imagine how poor Johnny must have felt seeing this:

Jez C Self/EMPICS Entertainment

7. This scary red carpet look

Not cool but very terrifying

/EMPICS Entertainment

8. When his keys were dangling from his belt at a premiere

We’ve heard of putting them on a chain so you don’t lose them but this is ridiculous

Ian West/PA Archive/Press Association Images

9. The time when the harsh flashes from the cameras made him look demonic

This is spooky and he doesn’t look remotely cool.

Yui Mok/PA Archive/Press Association Images

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