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Why is Johnny Logan singing Hold Me Now in a Garda station?

What do you say when words are not enough?

Garda - Cover Photos | Facebook Source: Facebook

THIS IS ODDLY enjoyable.

It’s Johnny Logan, singing his Eurovision classic Hold Me Now into a Garda truncheon, while wearing a ‘Garda uniform’.

Source: Garda series/YouTube

No, he’s not joining the force. He’s taking part in a new mockumentary series simply called ‘Garda’.

Written and directed by Trevor O’Neill, the series follows the lives of two rural Gardaí who are “bored and eager for action, picking on every opportunity they can to fight crime”.

Logan filmed with the Garda crew yesterday and was described as:

…an absolute gentleman and he took time out of his very busy schedule to shoot those scenes with us. He’s not just a great singer but a great person to chat with and full of banter, sceals and tales.

The pilot episode of Garda is a little… er… offbeat.

See for yourself:

Source: Garda series/YouTube

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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