IRISH FIT FAM is an almost cult-like online community.
It’s full of enviable abs, protein shakes, smoothie bowls, a million hashtags, and… sponcon.
One Dublin man is taking the piss out of it all. Enter personal trainer Josh Quinn.
He caused some waves with his most recent sponsored post…
‘How does this align with his brand?’ we all screamed
The post was plastered all over social media and Reddit, but not many quite saw it for what it was
A massive joke.
Josh’s whole Instagram seems to be a parody of your typical Instagram personal trainer, and the subtlety is key.
It also raises a lot of questions as to why so many people thought it could be legit.
He teaches us to never settle
“If you wanna be happy, that’s fine… But satisfied? NOT ON MY WATCH. On with the show”.
LISTEN to your trainer when they give you advice on the buzz health trend of the moment
He gets his community in on 500 day challenges
He even gets the odd inspirational quote and haters rant in there
Don’t forget the protein powder discount code