LAST WEEK JUSTIN Bieber gave one of his fans an unusual present… his pet hamster.
He was leaving the Jungle Ball in Atlanta when he suddenly offloaded the animal, called Pac, on an unsuspecting girl, who promised to look after it (after deafening it with screams).
You can check out the fairly shoddy footage of the exchange here:
Now TMZ is reporting that the California Hamster Association are calling Bieber out on his “animal cruelty”, because of the environment in which the exchange was made, and the potential trauma caused to Pac.
TMZ had also managed to track down Tori, who is Pac’s new owner, and he seems to be getting on just fine.
Rumour has it that the hamster was a gift from Bieber’s ex Selena Gomez, so maybe looking at the little critter was just too difficult. Or maybe Pac was disgusted about Bieber’s choice of trousers.
Either way, we hope Tori and Pac have a very happy life together.