Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Justin Bieber is now comparing himself to Michael Jackson

Morto for you, Justin.

JUSTIN BIEBER HAS been pretty quiet on social media since his release from jail on Thursday.

Last night, however, he sent a message to his fans on Twitter.


It’s never a good sign when they start tweeting in all caps, is it?

He also used his Instagram account to connect with fans, sharing this sadface selfie with the message ‘Thank u lord’.

bieb Source: Instagram

However, the most telling image he has shared is one which places a photograph of him waving at fans after his release with one of Michael Jackson doing the same.  The image is captioned, ‘”What more can they say”‘.

michael jackson Source: Instagram

Eh, delusions of grandeur much?

Justin Bieber ‘cried his eyes out’ after his court appearance… it’s the Dredge>

#FreeBieber is the worst and the best hashtag on the internet today>

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