A BAR IN New York says it will kick out customers if they speak like a Kardashian.
One word in particular – ‘literally’ will get you removed from Continental at a moment’s notice – although you will be allowed finish your drink.
A sign at the bar reads:
Sorry but if you say the word ‘literally’ inside Continental you have 5 minutes to finish your drink and then you must leave. If you actually start a sentence with ‘I literally,’ you must leave immediately!
This is the most overused, annoying word in the English language and we will not tolerate it. Stop Kardashianism now!”
Yeah, forget global warming – we need to be extremely concerned about a reality TV family and their influence on pop culture right now.
Bar owner Trigger Smith has since told Timeout New York that the sign is just a joke, and that his bar would be empty if he actually enforced the rule.
How could I mean that? How could I be serious? I literally feel sorry for anybody who would take this seriously.”
Some people reckon the sign was sexist though, and an attempt to policy the way (primarily women) speak.
What do you reckon? A bit of craic or something a bit more sinister?