Dublin: 7 °C Saturday 22 February, 2025

Eh, Karl Henry recommended the leaders get a load of riding in for the last week of Operation Transformation

Priorities …

AFTER SAYING GOODBYE to Jean last week, the Operation Transformation gang continued their respective journeys. 

For Galentine’s Day, Kathryn paid leader Siobhan a visit to encourage her to up her online dating game with a Tinder profile.

And in fairness, their analysis of the average lad’s selection of photos was on the nose.

Source: RTÉ

If he has to be topless in his profile picture, swipe [left].”

Kathryn was equally unforgiving when it came to her decimation of the male population’s selfie etiquette.


Equally, when the phone’s like this and they’re in a Man United top, y’know, curry stuck in the beard, taken at that flat angle …”

Hey, just because Man U are having a ‘mare in the league in the minute doesn’t give you the right to duck on them like that!

A more serious discussion that struck a chord with viewers was the one leader Cathal had on mental health.

cathal Source: RTÉ

The Donegal native was invited to speak before students at Letterkenny IT about his motivation to get the nation talking about mental health.

“I grew up in an environment where people didn’t talk about mental health. Mental health is so important.”

I’ve held in emotions for years. There was times when I couldn’t see the positives in my life. 
If people are suffering from depression and anxiety, get help. If you have any issue, please talk.”

Watching Cathal speak from the heart made for emotional viewing.

Finally, as he faces into the final week of Operation Transformation, Karl Henry had a top tip for Paul to up their calorie burn – get a ride in every week.

No, seriously.

karlhenry Source: RTÉ

Sex is fantastic for your body. It’s great resistance training, great cardiovascular training and can burn up to 100 calories.
Great for the mind, good for the soul … If I’m giving you one bit of homework for this week, it’s even more sex than you had last week.”

paul Paul, looking very unenthusiastic about his new training requirements. Source: RTÉ


Sure listen, he has no excuses now next time his gym gear’s in the wash.

You can watch this week’s episode back by clicking here.

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