KARL LAGERFELD HIT headlines again recently with his latest bizarre utterance: a stern criticism of Pippa Middleton.
Never one to bow to conventional wisdom, Karl told The Sun that while P-Middy’s bottom was an acceptable sight, her face should be kept averted.
“I don’t like the sister’s face. She should only show her back,” he said.
The comments ignited a predictable firestorm. But we believe that the world is too hard on Karl. After all, his life is very, very difficult. Here’s why:
1. He hates and fears swans
Swans, they are the meanest animals in the world, you know. I had problems with them as a child. They hate children. I was caught by one, so I know. The idea of swans is lovely, and they have a beautiful shape, but they seem more romantic than they in fact are.
2 Hardly anybody can see the design on his trousers
I wear jeans; at the moment they are from my new collection. They are dark gray with my face, my profile, printed in black on them, but you really have to look at it to see it.
3. He had it tough as a kid
When I was four I asked my mother for a valet for my birthday.
Run! A swan! (Francois Mori/AP/Press Association Images)
4. He has to keep switching houses
I actually have two houses. This house here, it’s only for sleeping and sketching, and I have another house two-and-a-half meters away for lunch and dinner and to see people, and where the cook is and all that.
5. He owns the most annoying cat in the world
She doesn’t like to eat on the floor, so I have to put the food on the table. Her dishes are by Goyard. She has one for water, one for her little croquette, and one for her pâté. You have to serve everything, and she makes a choice.
6. He doesn’t really understand some things
The iPod is genius. I have 300.