WHEN YOU’RE A regular commoner* who’s married into royalty, the last thing you want is your family letting the side down.
So let’s spare a thought for newly-minted princess Kate Middleton, whose cousin – well, second cousin once removed, but whatever – Katrina Darling has just taken off all her clothes for Playboy.
And what’s more, she’s on the cover. Darling, who the Huffington Post reports started out as a burlesque dancer in glamorous Sunderland, tweeted this picture to prove it.
So how did the rest of the Royal Family react? Well, they haven’t made any public statement on the matter. But we think we can have a pretty good guess.
Here we present The Daily Edge’s definitive guide to the scenes in Buckingham Palace when the news broke:
All images: Press Association
* OK, a very wealthy commoner.