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Katherine Jenkins owns the Daily Mail after unkind marathon article

World says, ‘You go Glen Coco.’

OPERA SINGER AND British darling, Katherine Jenkins, ran the London Marathon on Sunday in memory of her father who died of cancer in 1996.

Matt Crossick/Matt Crossick/Empics Entertainment

Pretty amazing.

However, the Daily Mail’s Jan Moir managed to find a way to criticise her over it.

Jan derided her for tweeting about taking part in the marathon, as well as for wearing makeup and expensive sunglasses while running 26.2 miles in five hours and twenty six minutes.

Now Katherine has responded via her Twitter:

Jan (Moir), I wish you love & happiness in your life. I adore & support other women and I only wish you could do the same. I ran on Sunday in memory of my father & to raise money (£25,000) for an excellent charity (@macmillancancer) who helped him when he was dying. Yes, I twittered about it but I did so to share my progress & day with those kind people on twitter who had supported & sponsored me. I ran in sunglasses because it was sunny. I tied my hair back in a pony tail because I expected to sweat. As if you had some insider knowledge you wrote I was wearing eye shadow, eye liner& lip gloss. Wrong again – none of the above – I had Vaseline on my lips, handed to us by St Johns Ambulance on our way round the route. You can knock me all you like but you cannot take away from me what I know I accomplished last weekend. Next time you run a marathon Jan, I will be the first to sponsor you, because I know how much guts, hard work & determination it takes.

Tens across the board.

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