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Katie Hopkins' Twitter account has been hacked

The hacker claims to have a sex tape belonging to Hopkins. Err…

CONTROVERSIAL COLUMNIST Katie Hopkins’ Twitter account has been hacked.

Police probe Hopkins tweets Source: PA Wire/Press Association Images

A hacker calling themselves Phil Olbison changed her username to ‘Jiggly Jaws Katie’, unfollowed everyone except themselves, and deleted all her previous tweets.

The hacker is also claiming to have a sex tape belonging to Hopkins, but according to the braver souls at the UK Mirror, the link just leads to a porn site.

‘Olbison’ has been tweeting some decidedly immature (and highly NSFW) sentiments – here are a few of the less crude tweets:

katie hopkins hack

katie hopkins hack3

Celebrity Big Brother Launch 2015 - Hertfordshire Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Unsurprisingly, given Hopkins’ history with the internet, no one is being very sympathetic.

But no one’s really a fan of the hacker, either:

Hopkins’ agent has told the Mirror that they are currently “dealing with” the hack.

Previously: Charlotte Church charitably offered to smash Katie Hopkins’ face in>

Katie Hopkins was asked to leave the LGBT Awards in the UK>

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