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Everyone thought tonight was going to be when they finally ended the Katy storyline on Fair City

Never. Ending.

THE GENERAL PERCEPTION coming into tonight’s episode was that it was *definitely* going to be the night where Katy finally got away from Ciaran on Fair City.

Sure, she’s out of her cell at this stage, but it’s really rumbling on as the pair wander the streets together.

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The episode began with Katy helping Ciaran stumble around – with his stab wound still giving him serious trouble

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That blonde wig Katy was wearing is still a source of concern

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Then a gard literally walked past the pair of them and Katy said he was drunk and she was just helping him

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And he walked away!

Ah here!

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Katy and Ciaran steal a car and pull over so Ciaran can use a payphone

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Katy says she wants to call him an ambulance, but Ciaran is having none of it:

“I have a plan… it’s called not dying in prison!”

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But as Ciaran looks like he’s flagging, Katy makes a demand:

She won’t let him die on the street, and if he doesn’t call an ambulance she’s going down with him

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This is… dramatic

Katy, Ireland wants a word

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Ciaran comes up with a plan: get to Dun Laoghaire and the pair of them get on a boat with a doctor (???) and they’ll dump his phone and drop him back to shore after fixing his wound

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They eventually made it down to the pier

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Amazing scenes

All options are being explored

It cuts to them standing on the pier together and it’s now nighttime

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Katy then left him there to “go get help” – but when she’s walking away, she hears a big splash


Bound to happen.

Is this the end? Will the Gardaí come and take Katy away to safety, ending the saga once and for all? Nope.

Katy runs and jumps into the water too… and the episode ends

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Well now…

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You can’t be doing this to us

People are shook after that – and thought that was going to be the end

But no.

Until tomorrow night, then.


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About the author:

David Elkin

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