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Kerbs was the greatest street game ever invented by Irish kids

Hands down.

kerbsgo Source: Twitter

IT WAS A simple game, but it was the best.

All you needed was a street and a ball – preferably one that bounced properly – and you could set yourself up for an epic game of Kerbs.

It was the greatest game ever invented

Small rules varied from estate to estate around Ireland, but hitting the opposing kerb for ten points and then moving in to the middle to get extra five pointers was standard

kerbsgo2 Source: YouTube

Extra points if it bounced back into your hands, of course.

But if you missed, and the opposing player/team hit you before you were back on your side – they stole all your points

kerbsgo3 Source: YouTube

Soccer balls, GAA balls and basketballs were all acceptable – and the exact rules needed to be bailed down in advance to save yourself from a raging argument.

It’s the game anyone can play – and it kept kids occupied for hours on end

You had the find the best quality kerb to play on too

kerbsgo4 Source: YouTube

“Nah, that’s too low. Let’s look around for a higher kerb.”

If there’s one game that reminds Irish people of their childhoods, it’s Kerbs

Some called it Kerb to Kerb, others referred to it as Paths. Whatever it was named, the craic was still the same.

It would always get competitive and you’d play long into the night

There was always one person who went for the gas throw behind their back or through their legs

But if it happened to come off…

There’s nothing like that pang of Kerbs nostalgia

It’s still played today by adults and kids alike – like these legends

Never forget: Kerbs was undoubtedly the greatest.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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