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Schoolkid asks Jennifer Lawrence to be his prom date

“We’ve got lots in common.”

MEET HIGH SCHOOL student Nicholas Gray.

He’s in school in Kentucky, and he hates hates school dances. However, he has come up with a way to improve on his.

… by asking Jennifer Lawrence to be his date. Says Nicholas:

An aspect of school that I hate the most is school dances. I think they’re gross. But one day I was thinking maybe there’s a chance that a girl like you would go with me to a school dance.

Source: AFF/EMPICS Entertainment

Why? He says he’s only seen two of her movies, but of all the movies he’s ever seen, Hunger Games is “the first time I felt my heart beat”.

Nicholas presents a convincing array of evidence in support of his cause:

We’ve got lots in common. We’re both from Kentucky, we both think school is kind of yucky.

However, he admits:

I’m only average looking, I don’t have class, I have a funny smell, and sometimes I’m a jerk. 

Nobody’s perfect. So…

Source: Facebook

As well as a YouTube video, Gray has launched a dedicated Facebook campaign. He’s at 750 likes at the time of writing. Add your voice to the clamour!

Jennifer Lawrence is yet to respond. GO NICHOLAS!

Source: Nicholas Gray

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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