THE INDIANA HERALD-TIMES is cutting comics from the newspaper, and to some little boys, this is unacceptable.
The local paper ceased publication of 13 comic strips after a pricing dispute. The likes of Garfield, Peanuts and Dilbert will no longer grace the pages, and editor Bob Zaltsberg is picking up some slack from it.
In one particularly colourful call, Zaltsberg and his staff are called jerks, idiots, and sh*tholes–all by an 8-year-old boy.
They published the recording on their website, seeing the funny side of the boy’s call after he’s encouraged by his parents to fight to save the comics.
However, Zaltsberg isn’t taking his new sh*thole status to heart, saying that he has since spoken to the boy and his parents and while the little guy admitted he ‘wasn’t as nice as he should have been’, the boy’s mum gave full permission to post the audio.
While some commenters questioned the appropriateness of the call, Zaltsberg piped in to placate them:
I’ve seen this from the beginning as “kids say the darndest things” rather than any kind of morality issue.
Have a listen, what do you think?
Source: The Herald-Times/SoundCloud